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Efficacy Fruit Bit For Health, Blood Pressure, Heart, Cancer and Stamina

Efficacy Fruit Bit For Health, Blood Pressure, Heart, Cancer and Stamina
One of the benefits of beetroot juice is increase the supply of energy, in addition to many other benefits of mengasup bit by way of juice, boiled briefly to a salad, or made puree (mashed) to the soup, and others.

Of note, when the fruits are encouraged to eat the skin, at the root of beets, skin should be discarded


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seaweed health benefits - Good For Face and Beauty

During this time, slipped on the seaweed toast known to be more effective at burning body fat than exercising at the gym. Now there are other benefits of seaweed found by scientists.
seaweed health benefits
Combined with thyme, sea grass to be an effective natural remedy for acne. According to a study published in Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, found that seaweed can lose up to 64 per cent chance of developing acne.

Brown seaweed that is injected into facial washing consists of an active component called phycosaccharide ACP, which has been tested to 60 young male volunteers who had mild acne for two months.

Once the research is completed, half of the participants reported a significant decrease for the occurrence of acne and blackheads in just eight weeks.

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Soursop For Anti Cancer - Very working

LEAF effectual anti CANCER
Soursop for Cancer Cure
So far, we know that cancer can only be treated with chemo therapy. However, this perception seems to be removed and disposed of as far as possible. Why? Because there are actually a natural remedy to kill cancer cells that power ten thousand times more powerful than the chemo therapy. Natural medicine is the fruit of a very well known by the people of Indonesia.
Soursop Fruit
But why do we not know?

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Benefits of Cane - Good for Health

Ice water cane. Of course you never feel kesegerannya. Moreover, if drank in the heat, or during fasting. Hmm ... terkata no favors. But, whoa. In addition to a delicious sweet, sugar cane was rich in virtue. Ranging from cough to fever, a pounding heart as well, can be destroyed by a cane. How to manage it too easy! So, why not utilized?

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Benefits of Spinach For Health

benefits of spinach
Who does not know with spinach. Besides delicious taste, spinach also contains a variety of nutrients that are good for the body. With the benefits of spinach, you can also reduce the risk of some diseases.

     Spinach is known to contain nearly 20 percent of the dietary fiber for the body. It is very good to help digestion, prevent constipation, control blood sugar levels, and also good for the diet.

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Heart Healthy Tips: Lower Cholesterol by Peanut


Heart Healthy Tips: Lower Cholesterol by Peanut

Various studies have identified the benefits of peanuts as lowering cholesterol.

Eating small amounts of peanuts every day can reduce cholesterol, improve heart health, and even stimulate weight loss.

Peanuts are high in fat, so the diet should be limited to the recommended nut about 1 or 2 ounces of nuts every day.

The good news, the fat contained in peanuts are good fats are monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats making it suitable as a diet to lower cholesterol.

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peanuts benefits for health

peanuts benefits for health
In addition to being food for the brain, there are far more important health benefits that can be offered peanuts.
Peanuts are members of the legume family which is the best source of protein in the plant kingdom. Beans can be found in various products. They can be eaten salted, dried baked, boiled and even raw. They can be found in the peanut brittle, peanut butter and candy.

    Help Increase Fertility.

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