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Efficacy Fruit Bit For Health, Blood Pressure, Heart, Cancer and Stamina

Efficacy Fruit Bit For Health, Blood Pressure, Heart, Cancer and Stamina
One of the benefits of beetroot juice is increase the supply of energy, in addition to many other benefits of mengasup bit by way of juice, boiled briefly to a salad, or made puree (mashed) to the soup, and others.

Of note, when the fruits are encouraged to eat the skin, at the root of beets, skin should be discarded


In the beet crop, which is well known to have health benefits is a tuber. Round like a potato with red color - dark purple. The leaves can be cooked like any other green vegetable. Bit comes from Mesopotamia, which then spread to neighboring countries in Asia as well as in mainland Europe.

Bit rich in carbohydrates (in the form of sugar with a little protein and fat content), which is easy to energy and iron that help the blood to carry oxygen to the brain. Bit of red, the color is caused by a combination of purple pigment and yellow pigment betasianin betasantin.

Although it contains carbohydrates, low calories. So do not worry, eating bits will not increase your weight. In mengasup beet juice, beet roots should be mixed with other fruits or vegetables, because the root bit alone can make you rigid webbing and tough talk in a certain time, unless you drink pure juice of organic beet root that would cure the stiffness / paralysis of the vocal sound (

People think that beetroot juice is the best juice for health because it contains natural sugars, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, iodine, iron, copper, vitamin B1, B2, C and P. The content of beet balance alkaline and acid levels, so it's nice to balance our bodies.

Content Bit

Folic Acid 34%, Function: to grow and replace damaged cells,

Potassium 14.8%, Function: Streamlining the fluid balance in the body,

Fiber 13.6%,

Vitamin C 10.2%, Function: to grow the network and normalize the blood vessels,

Magnesium 9.8%, Function: Maintain muscle and nerve function,

Tryptophan 1.4%,

Iron 7.4%, function: energy metabolism and the immune system,

6.5% copper, Function: Forms red blood cells,

Phosphorus 6.5%, Function: Strengthen bones,

Caumarin that works to prevent tumors, and

Betasianin as a cancer preventive

Bit For Health Benefits

There are so many benefits of the fruit of this one. Here are some of the benefits we get from eating a bit.

1. As a heart medicine, natural cleaners for kidney and gall bladder. And cleaning and neutralize toxins in the body. Fight infection and inflammation as well as addressing the problem of kidney stones.

The combination of beet juice, carrot and cucumber, is one of the best ways to cleanse the kidneys and gallbladder of toxins that accumulate in these two organs filter

Bit also useful for detoxification (removal of toxins) and cleaning our guts, as well as the problem of hemorrhoids.

Together this mix that you can use to create juices for detox:

1 apple, 1 pear, ½ fruit bits size: in put juice maker.

Then stir 2 tablespoons pysllium husks (you can buy in health food stores and organic stores)

Drink immediately. Psyllium husk is a fiber which when mixed with water can inflate like jelly. Its function is to bring the 'junk' in the colon to be removed more quickly.

½ medium-size bits and 1 small cucumber on the insert into the tool

juice maker. Add 1 ½ cups of soda water. Then put a squeeze of lemon juice or lemon.

In addition to making a mixture of beet juice and other fruit, try boiling a bit sized pieces sliced. Then the water is taken before bed as much as one cup. Beet cooking water will help perilstatik muscle movement, so the next morning bowel movement smoothly.

2. Destroy tumor cells and cancer cells.

Beet juice very rich antioxidant content needed by patients with cancer issues.

Together there are special juice to overcome cancer patients:

Super-Antioxidant Juice.

Chopped 2 medium carrots, chopped ½ medium sized bits, 2 stalks celery 1 stalk celery local or imported, 30 grams of spinach and 4 parsley stems. Everything blended and drink immediately

3. Strengthening the function of blood, circulatory system and the immune system, anemia and produce red blood cells.

Bit-colored anger is associated with the color of human blood, so it is used to overcome the problem of anemia. Actually that anemia is iron-rich content is high enough, the turn back and meregenarasi red blood cells and oxygen supplies are useful for healthy red blood cells.

How to make juice for the treatment of anemia:

a. Wash beets

b. Peel the skin

c. Cut and put in a blender or shredded

d. Then take the water squeeze (for 1 cup)

e. Pour into a glass and ready to drink

Consuming beetroot juice, according to the researchers, can help you exercise longer without fatigue. In addition, a pint of beetroot juice a day effective for lowering blood pressure and improve health.

Just bits, bright researchers, showed astounding results because the benefits exceed regular exercise routine under the supervision of professional trainers. And although it was probably not able to satisfy your appetite, the impact can be felt by everyone.

4. Lowering cholesterol levels.

5. Energize and balance the body.

Besides drinking beetroot juice increases stamina

Drinking beetroot juice could help people exercise for longer 16% due to the content of nitrate reducing expenditure / oxygen combustion in sports, so the tiredness caused by exercise reduced (Research in the UK: Univ. Of Exeter; BBC News, August 6, 2009). Because it's a mixed drink beet juice at night can be used as a tonic juice romance, adds energy and blood flow.

6. Digestive Problems

If you have digestive problems, nausea and pain, diarrhea, dysentery, can drink carrot beet juice mixed with a tablespoon of lemon juice or lime juice. Drinking beet juice mixed with a tablespoon of honey in the morning before breakfast will help reduce masalh 'obstruction' in the stomach. The leaves are also useful bit overcome yellow fever and indigestion. Just once a day.

7. Addressing the problem of dandruff

To overcome the problem of dandruff is stubborn, try to boil with a little bit of natural vinegar (apple cider vinegar). Then smeared-rub and massage gently into the scalp. Let sit overnight wrapped in a towel. Wash and rinse the next day to clean.

8. Natural food coloring

Betaninnya womb that produces brilliant red color is used to dye natural foods, such as ice cream, coloring Easter eggs, jelly, and so forth.

9. Shades of burgundy on hair coloring

If you are going to dye your hair with henna powder, try selecting black and then mixed with the juice of red beet roots. As a result, your hair will be black with burgundy and natural gradation. Healthier and still naturally beautiful.

10. Lowering blood pressure, healthy heart and blood vessels

Experts in Britain and in the United States suggests people with hypertension to drink 500 ml of beetroot juice every day. It has been proven to be a real drink beet juice from this lowers hypertension. The content of nitrate were also found in green leafy vegetables, lowers blood pressure.

Results of research conducted by the Barts and the London School of Medicine and the Peninsula Medical School suggest for an inexpensive way to reduce hypertension.

According to Prof. Amrita Ahluwalia of Barts and the London School of Medicine, that drinking beetroot juice and other vegetables that are rich in nitrates will maintain a healthy heart. . Of experiments showed decreased blood pressure within 1 hour after drinking beetroot juice. Three to 4 hours after drinking beetroot juice, and the continued decline can be observed up within 24 hours. (BBC News, 6 February 2008)

The author proves drinking beet juice mixed with lemon juice and green apples, can help lower blood pressure.



In this study, the researchers recruited eight healthy young men to complete a series of cycling tests. They were asked to perform two tests cycling, after drinking beetroot juice once a day for 6 days and after drinking blackcurrant cordial (a drink made from a kind of berry).

The study, published in the Journal of Applied Physiology reported, after drinking beetroot juice, participants use less oxygen when prompted cycling at a slow pace. This suggests, the researchers, if the muscles they can do the same amount of work using less energy. When prompted cycling distance according to ability, participants can pedal a few minutes longer than before drinking beetroot juice.

Nitrate Effects

After drinking beetroot juice, said the researchers, participants experienced a 16% increase stamina. That is, they are usually out of energy after jogging for 1 hour got an extra 10 minutes. In addition, they can achieve the same distance in a faster time.

"We were very surprised by the effects of beetroot juice on oxygen expenditure reduction, because these effects can not be obtained by other means, including sports programs," said one researcher Andy Jones, as quoted dailymail site. Of course you will be more fit after a workout, but you remain the same use of oxygen.

These benefits, the researchers, due to the high nitrate content of beetroot juice. These chemicals, according to the researchers, also found in green vegetables such as kale and spinach, especially in juice concentrate.

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