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Natural Remedies for Bronchitis

Natural Remedies for Bronchitis

Natural treatment for bronchitis use Betel leaf

Betel leaf is very famous for its properties that can cure various diseases, from nose bleeds (bleeding from the nose) until the diarrhea and toothache


Take one sheet of betel leaf, roll her in the press to get out the oil and use it to clog the nose that secrete darh


Take 4-6 pieces of betel leaf, 6 seed pepper, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.
Mash all ingredients together until smooth, then rub on the belly. Repeat until healed


Treatment: In the mouth
1. betel leaves boiled with 2 cups water to a boil and then chill the cooking water.
Use boiled water to rinse. Repeated regularly until healed.
2. Take 2 pieces of betel leaf that has been crushed, salt to taste.

How, materials tersebuh brewed with 1 cup hot water, then stir until the salt dissolves, let it cool. The water is used for rinsing.


Treatment: outside, apply on the itchy
Ingredients: 6 pieces of betel leaf, 1 slice of ginger yellow, 1.5 tablespoons of eucalyptus oil.

How, all the ingredients are mashed together until smooth, then rubbed on the body hives.


Take 7 pieces of betel leaf, and 1 piece of rock sugar.

The trick, betel leaves finely chopped, then boiled with rock sugar with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup, and then filtered. Cooking water taken 3 times a day, each 3 tablespoons.


Take 7-10 betel leaves.

The trick, betel leaves boiled with 2.5 liters of water to boiling. While still warm, boiled water betel leaf is used to wash and clean up around the genitals repeatedly.

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Audrey mengatakan...


Shame is the greatest prisoner that keeps us bound in pains. When one is liberated from shame, he liberates others. Please read my bronchitis cure story, it will help you or someone you know.

I am 45 years of age, a once social smoker. I smoked for 15, but usually 2 stick of my favorite brand a day. Sometimes, I don’t smoke at all. I could stay without cigarette for a month and later come back before I finally quit. I never saw myself as someone who cigarette can affect.

It all started suddenly, when I woke up for work, I found out that I was coughing seriously. I wasn’t bothered because I felt maybe the winter was having effect on me. I waited a few days to see if it got worse and it did. I was coughing to the extent of dry heaves and I was vomiting. The cough hurt my throat severely. I finally ended up in the ER. They sent me home with antibiotics, an inhaler, and some pills to stop the coughing. After several weeks, of worsening cough, I went back to the hospital where I was diagnosed of chronic bronchitis. My wheezing became so loud that I found it difficult to sleep. When I went back to the doctor I was given a Z-Pak, albuterol inhaler, Oral steroids, cough pills which didn't do any good, and was told to take Mucinex. The more I take these medications, the worse my condition became.

I was bothered, because I quit smoking long ago before bronchitis showed up. Further test from my doctor revealed the damage smoking did to me. Was I afraid of death? Yes I was, because I read all the negative reports on bronchitis, and felt maybe I am going to die from it anyway. All the English medications I was placed on, were not just working. Instead, it created several complications in my health. Hospital visitations became a routine I had to live with for 3 years.

When you are desperate things will change. I believe this word so much. Having taken English medications for 3 years and bronchitis was still active, I resorted to alternative medicine, I started doing research on herbs, I was so fortunate when I read of Dr. Scott Herbal medication for bronchitis. I contacted him, used his Herbal treatment, my bronchitis ended that was 5 five years ago. Today I am completely cured. You too can be free from bronchitis, just contact Dr. Scott, I hope to read your story someday. Dr. Scott can be reached via

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