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Benefits of tomato for Health

Benefits of tomato for Health
Today we will discuss the benefits and properties that we can get from tomatoes to good health, especially the facial beauty. As we all know tomatoes are often used as an additive in foods besides fruit is also very popular at all for use in juices.

Besides the good taste to juice like mango but also has extraordinary properties as obtained in the benefits of papaya leaves. Well for that in this article we will discuss how much benefit can be given as a tomato for the human body either for beauty or health.

There is also talk that the tomatoes have remarkable properties for the face? Is that true? I will provide an explanation of the various benefits that can be obtained from tomatoes. The following are the benefits of this fruit. please listen.
Tomato Fruit Benefits for Beauty

, usefulness and efficacy of tomatoes for beauty can treat acne, smooth the face, reduce blackheads and brighten the skin.

Smooth the face
You simply put water tomato juice on the face. In the meantime, to brighten the skin, use the tomatoes that have been destroyed.

Treating Acne
Boil the tomatoes, then cut into pieces. Rub a slice of tomato on the acne. Let stand ten minutes, rinse face with water. Perform routine until the acne is gone.

Reduce Blackheads
Tomatoes are also useful to reduce blackheads. The trick, tomato puree and mix with honey. Spread the mixture on your face and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Unlike other vegetables, tomatoes benefits are not reduced when cooked. Instead, it is suggested that instead of tomato processed first. Substances contained in tomatoes useful for destroying free radicals when cooked.
Benefits of Tomato Fruit for Health

As for the health also quoted from Us Daily Insights

Prevent Cancer
Lycopene contained in tomatoes is also more work after processing. Lycopene beneficial for preventing cellular damage that triggers cervical cancer, prostate cancer, stomach cancer and pancreatic cancer. Moreover, it can treat indigestion, diarrhea, restore liver function and bile attacks. Yellow liquid in tomato seeds are also good for preventing clots blood  stroke and heart disease.
Conclusion Tomato Fruit

So it benefits them know how much we can consume tomatoes. Besides getting a good taste and benefits  of tomatoes, we also get the same remarkable properties for the face and body beauty of our skin so we are more awake. Not to mention for health that can prevent a variety of cancers. So what are you waiting consumption of tomatoes now. And feel what God has given to you!

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