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Natural Treatment for Gastric Acid

Natural Treatment for Gastric Acid

Chronic gastritis food taboos - For people who have suffered from ulcer disease whether it is still in the stage of symptomatic or who have advanced to a stage that is chronic, it can be sure that they will get some food taboos they should avoid.
Food taboos ulcer patients can vary or vary depending on level. However, when viewed at a glance ulcer dietary restrictions that should be avoided by patients with chronic gastritis can be generally grouped into the following groups:
Food taboos Ulcer Patients

    Foods that contain lots of gas
Foods that contain lots of fat
Certain vegetables such as cabbage (broccoli), cabbage and mustard greens
Fruits such as jackfruit and kedondong, or dried fruit
Drinks that contain soda
Foods that contain vinegar
The food was too spicy
Pepper and other spices that stimulate
Foods are difficult to digest

Some sources of carbohydrates should be avoided

glutinous rice
angel hair
sweet cassava

Healthy foods Stomach

Ripe Bananas
Chicken Porridge
Aloe Vera
Chewing Gum (not for eating)
Sea cucumbers

Boita sea contains a lot of content that is required by the body, including the stomach, such as:

Protein 86.8%
80% collagen
Condroitin Sulfate and Glucosamine
Omega 3
Bio Active Element

Here are possible causes of ulcer disease (excessive production of stomach acid), namely:

Irregular eating
Working beyond the physical capabilities
Experiencing nervous tension (stress)
Consumption of caffeine and alcohol in excessive amounts
Lack of exercise

Foods that stimulate gastric acid spending

White wine
Citrus fruit juice, fruit juice or in other high acidity levels

Avoid foods that can weaken the lower esophageal valve

Foods high in fat

That is a variety of foods that can affect the performance of our digestive system which Stomach, Stomach Spare you do not let your stomach suffer with the consumption of foods that are not exactly on Stomach. Chronic Ulcer Disease can order immediately we would need to overcome any symptoms mengetau GCC are apada chronic ulcer patients, following detailed information on Chronic Ulcer Food Restrictions. For those of you who want to be healthy you should normally avoid eating - food that is listed above and you would be much better to consume traditional medicine Jelly Gamat Luxor trebuat from our Tripang this powerful.

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